Casino Royale (vuoden 2006 elokuva)
Received positive reaction from critics. The film holds a 95% rating, based on 220 reviews, on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes with the consensus that, "Casino Royale disposes of the silliness and gadgetry that plagued recent James Bond outings, and Daniel Craig delivers what fans and critics have been waiting for: a caustic, haunted, intense reinvention of 007." The film holds an average score of 81 out of 100 on Metacritic, signifying "universal acclaim". Craig's performance and credibility received acclaim from fans and critics alike. Roger Moore, who has portrayed Bond in seven films, wrote, "Daniel Craig impressed me so greatly in his debut outing, , by introducing a more gritty, unrefined edge to the character that I thought might just have to move over." Craig's portrayal was thought of as ironic, brutal and cold.
The next day, during the continuing poker game, Bond loses all his money to Le Chiffre after misreading a bluff and admits to Vesper that he made a mistake. Vesper won't give him the buy back money, saying he's going to lose it. Furious, 007 goes after Le Chiffre but is stopped by one of the other poker players, , an agent sent by the to the poker match to catch Le Chiffre. Leiter tells 007 that he's doing poorly himself in the game and that he'll back Bond to re-enter the game; Leiter believes that Bond can beat Le Chiffre. In return, Bond will give Le Chiffre to the CIA. Bond slowly builds his bank again and once again becomes a threat to Le Chiffre. Le Chiffre has Valenka poison Bond's martini with digitalis, causing Bond to suffer severe tachycardia. Bond goes to , distressed and, communicating with medical specialists at MI6 Headquarters, is about to use the defibrillator when he sees the connection isn't plugged in and passes out. Vesper arrives, fixes the defibrillator kit and shocks him back to life. Bond, shaken, returns to the game. The final hand of the game is down to four players, including Bond and Le Chiffre, who all go "all in", betting their remaining money, driving the "pot" amount to well over $120 million. One man has a flush, while another has a full house. Le Chiffre has a higher full house and is about to take the entire pot. Bond reveals he has a straight flush and wins the game and all the money.
Andrew Sarris of said that the film is the first Bond film, "that I would seriously consider placing on my own yearly 10-best list." He also said Daniel Craig was the most "effective" and "appealing" Bond yet.
Casino Royale | Rotten Tomatoes
Suomalainen elokuvatoimittaja Kalle Kinnunen sanoi vuonna 2012 Bond-elokuvaa arvostellessaan pitävänsä sarjan parhaana elokuvana: ”Sen [] lopussa huomasin hetken ajan uskovani, että James Bond on oikea, tunteva ihminen ja pahassa pulassa… oli massiivinen, oopperamaisen mahtaileva tragedia ja puhalsi elokuvasarjaan uuden elämän.”
Vaaleahiuksisen Craigin valinta päärooliin ei kuitenkaan miellyttänyt innokkaimpia Bond-faneja, joiden mukaan Bondin kuuluisi olla tummahiuksinen ja kookas. osoittaakseen tyytymättömyytensä he alkoivat yllyttää elokuvayleisöä boikotoimaan elokuvaa ja antoivat Craigille hiustensa värin vuoksi pilkkanimen ”James Blond”. Tämän vuoksi syntyi epäilyjä, joiden mukaan julkaiseminen tulisi olemaan riski ja elokuva saattaisi osoittautua tappiolliseksi. Craig itse sanoi, ettei hän alun perin edes halunnut Bondin näyttelijäksi.
Ennen lopullista näyttelijävalintaa arvuuteltiin, kenestä tulisi uusi James Bondin näyttelijä, ja loppuvuodesta 2005 vahvistettiin, että Bondia esittäisi Daniel Craig, josta tuli ensimmäinen englantilainen Bond-näyttelijä sitten .
Bond löytää Lyndille kuuluneen matkapuhelimen, jossa ovat Whiten nimi ja osoitetiedot hänen löytämisekseen. White saapuu huvilaansa mukanaan Casino Royalesta voitetut rahat. Vastatessaan odottamattoman puhelinsoittoon hän joutuu ammutuksi jalkaan. Soittaja ja ampuja osoittautuvat aseistautuneeksi Bondiksi, joka ilmestyy paikalle ja esittelee itsensä Whitelle kuuluisalla lausahduksellaan: ”Nimeni on Bond. James Bond.”
James Bond - Casino Royale -dvd ..
CASINO ROYALE esittelee JAMES BONDIN, Ison-Britannian tiedostelupalvelun salaisen agentin, joka vasta ylennetty 00- luokitukseen ja saanut hallituksen luvan tappaa eliminoituaan kaksi korkean profiilin kohdetta. ensimmäinen tehtävä, jolle tiedustelupalvelu MI6:nden johtaja "M" (Judi Dench) Bondin määrää, vie hänet Madagaskarin ja Bahamasaarten kautta Montenegroon. Siellä Bondin och kohdattava Le Chiffre, terroristien epäsuosioon joutunut pankkiiri, joka yrittää hankkia omaisuutensa takaisin korkeiden panoksen pokeripelissä Casino Rayalessa. Valtiovarainministeriön kirjanpitäjä Vesper Lynd on määrätty vahtimaan Bondia ja huolehtimaan siitä, ettei tehtävän suorittamiseen annettuja varoja ylitetä. Heidän näkemyksensä käytettävistä keinoista tehtävän loppuun saattamiseksi eivät kuitenkaan aina kohtaa. Le Chiffren julma suunnitelma saa Jamesin jan Vesperin kuitenkin tukeutumaan toisiinsa ja Bond oppii uransa kannalta tärkeimmän mahdollisen asia: Älä luota kehenkään
Tälle tuotteelle ei ole vielä annettu arvosteluita.
In Prague, Czech Republic, has tracked down an section chief, , who was selling secrets to enemies for profit. They chat about what it takes to be a Double-O agent (one of the requirements is making two kills) and Bond casually tells Dryden that his espionage contact, died, and "Not well." Intercut with the conversation are black and white scenes of Bond and Dryden's contact fighting in a men's room. Bond finally pushes the man's face into an overflowing sink and holds him there until he falls to the floor, apparently dead. Dryden points a gun at Bond. "Shame. We barely got to know each other." He pulls the trigger, but James has removed the ammunition from the weapon. "I know where you keep your gun. I suppose that's something." Dryden continues to taunt Bond, asking him if he felt any remorse or guilt over killing Fisher. Bond remains passive, his face expressionless. Dryden says that Bond "needn't worry, the second is--" at which point Bond kills Dryden. Bond puts away saying, "Yes, considerably." (Though not said explicitly, Bond found the killing of Dryden, his second such kill, "considerably" easier than the first.) In flashback, Fisher recovers from Bond's attempt to drown him and picks up his pistol. The frame instantly shifts to the series' iconic "gun barrel" sequence. Bond spins around and shoots the man. Blood runs down the frame, prompting the opening titles.
Casino Royale Official Trailer (2006) James Bond Movie HD
To recoup his client's money, Le Chiffre organizes a tournament at the Casino Royale in Montenegro. MI6 enters Bond—the agency's best poker player—in the tournament, believing a defeat will force Le Chiffre to seek with the British government in exchange for information on his clients. Bond is paired with , a British Treasury agent overseeing the $10million buy-in. They meet their contact, , in Montenegro. Obanno, furious that his money is missing, threatens Le Chiffre, but allows him to continue playing to win back the money. Obanno and his bodyguard attack Bond, who kills them both. Bond loses his $10million stake after Le Chiffre is tipped off about his own , and Vesper refuses to authorize an additional $5 million for Bond to continue. Fellow player and agent stakes Bond the money in exchange for letting the CIA take Le Chiffre into custody. Le Chiffre's lover Valenka poisons Bond but Vesper rescues him. Bond returns to the game and wins the tournament. Le Chiffre kidnaps Vesper to trap Bond and takes them to an abandoned ship. He tortures Bond to reveal the password to the bank account holding the winnings, but Bond resists. Mr. White bursts in and kills Le Chiffre, but spares Bond and Vesper.