Joonas Nissinen, Ninjat ennen ja nyt

In 1600, during the after the Eastern Army's victory at Sekigahara, the Iga acted as guards for the inner compounds of , while the Kōka acted as a police force and assisted in guarding the outer gate. It was said that at one occasion, a group of 's ninja infiltrated the camp of , stealing his battle standard, which later hoisted on the Hasedō Castle's gate, demoralized the Uesugi troops greatly in effect.

Ninjat, nuo mystiset tappokoneet mustissa puvuissaan, sekä terävine heittotähtineen. Nykyään kaikki tuntevat tai ovat ainakin kuulleet termin ”ninja”. Tuo onkin suosittujen pelien ja elokuvien, kuten Teini-ikäiset Ninja Kilpikonnat ja Amerikan Ninja ansiosta. Noin ninjan käsite ei ole enää vieras useimmille ihmisille. Ninja myytin paikka populaarikulttuurissa on kuitenkin johtanut moniin väärinkäsityksiin Ninjutsun todellisesta luonteesta. Tästä puheen ollen, tässä on kymmenen yleisintä myyttiä ninjoista.

In an undisclosed time, a ninja named Hachisuka Tenzō was sent by Nobunaga to assassinate , although it ended in failure. There is a record that there is an assassination attempt were on , although it was thwarted. A ninja named (possibly Kirigakure Shikaemon) attempted to assassinate Hideyoshi with a spear, but was unsuccessful, as his attempt was foiled by a ninja worked under the command of Hideyoshi who smoked his place. However, the reliability of this story was considered fictional publications as it was the same publisher which depicted Saizō as one of the legendary .

10 ninjamyyttiä mitkä ymmärretty väärin

In 1603, a group of ninja from Iga clan led by Miura Yo'emon were assigned under the command of of Ii Naomasa, the daimyo of under Tokugawa shogunate.

However, modern scholars such as Tatsuo Fujita doubted the credibility of Hattori Hanzō's ninja army theory, since it first appeared in record which circulated during the during the rule of Shogun . During his rule, Yoshimune was known for establishing the secret police institution whose members hailed from the confederation warriors of Koka and Iga areas. It has been argued that the circulation of the myth about Hattori Hanzō ninja army helping Ieyasu were created as propaganda to increase the prestige of Iga and Koka clan confederations in Tokugawa Shogunate.

Ikävä kyllä asia ei ole aivan noin kuin luullaan. Puhtaasti Ninja -sotureita olevia lukuun ottamatta oli myös olemassa useita ammattimaisesti palkattuja ninjoiksi kutsuttuja palkkasotureita ja salamurhaajia, jotka hallitsevat Ninjutsun tappavan taiteen ilmeisistä syistä. Uskomus, että ninjutsu on yksinomainen tiettyyn maantieteelliseen sijaintiin, yhteiskuntaluokkaan tai salaiseen järjestykseen, on ehdottomasti myytti.

The local Koka-Ikki ninjas and Iga-Ikki ninjas under Hanzo who helped leyasu to travel to safety consisted of three hundred Ninjas. Furthermore, Uejima Hidetomo, a researcher of Iga Ninja history, has stated there is research which revealed that Hattori Yasuji, one of the ninjas who accompanied leyasu on his journey in Iga province, also served as a bodyguard and espionage officer under Muromachi Shogun . The attacks from Ochimusha-gari finally ended as they reached the former territory of the Kōka ikki, who were friendly to the Tokugawa clan. The Koka ninja assisted the Tokugawa escort group in eliminating the threats of Ochimusha-gari outlaws, then escorting them until they reached , where they were further protected by another group from Iga-ikki which accompanied the Ieyasu group until they safely reached Mikawa. The journal records that the escort group of Ieyasu had suffered roughly 200 casualties during their journey from Osaka.

Ylen uutiset aiheesta ”Ninjat” nopeasti ja luotettavasti.

In 1573, Manabe Rokurō, a vassal of , attempted to assassinate Nobunaga by infiltrating , although the mission failed and Rokurō was forced to commit suicide. According to a document, the , when Nobunaga was inspecting Iga province after the , three ninja attempted to assassinate him with rifles, but failed and instead killed seven of Nobunaga's attendants. The persisted until 1574, when it was forced to become a vassal of . The continued until 1581, when Nobunaga attacked the Iga Province and destroyed those clans who rebelled against him. The Iga clans survivors fled to the , but others escaped to enter the service under . Prior to the conquest of Kōka in 1574, the two confederacies worked in since at least 1487.[] After the suppression of the Iga province by Nobunaga, some of them escaped from the province and sought refuge with the . One of the most prominent members was Fujibayashi Yasumasa, son of the from the Fujibayashi clan.

Salamannopea ninja liikkuu huomaamatta varjojen kätköissä

In 1571, a Kōka ninja Sugitani Zenjubō attempted to assassinate Nobunaga with two rifles. However, his attempts was failed as his shots failed to penetrate the armor of Nobunaga. Sugitani was captured 4 years later and tortured to death.

Tässä tulevat uuden sukupolven vauhdikkaat Mini Ninjat

Vaikka tämä on osittain totta, myytit että ninjat pystyvät tappamaan näkymättömällä kosketuksella, eli jonkinlaisen ”mustan magian” avulla, ovat tarua. Pikemminkin kyse on yhden tappavan kosketuksen voimasta eri painopisteiden käytön vuoksi. Ihmiskehossa on pisteitä, joita kosketettaessa ja painettaessa tietyllä tavalla; he voivat nopeasti pysäyttää vastustajansa. Esimerkiksi luja sormi tiettyyn silmään tai kaulaan voi helposti lamauttaa vastustajan.

Ninjaryhmissä liikutaan ja opitaan leikkien avulla

In 1560, after the , Tokugawa dispatched a group of 80 Kōka ninja under the command of Tomo Sukesada, which was tasked to raid an outpost of the . This assault is recorded in the chronicle, where those Kōka set fire to its towers, and killed the along with 200 defenders of the garrison.